Power Fitness Athlete: Ryan Freeman
Athlete: Ryan Freeman
Location: Bannatyne’s gym, Werrington, Peterborough
Instagram: @ryan_freeman_fitness
Contact details: ryanjfreeman27@hotmail.com
Specialist areas: Maintaining good fitness within a 9-5 working life, weight training, meal prepping and general dieting whilst on a university budget and training newbies to the gym.
Bio: A 21 year old university student currently on a placement year with a passion for fitness. Has been lifting weights from the age of 17 and spent the past 2 years heavily researching fitness and dieting online, gaining a vast amount of knowledge from this. Have trained several of my friends with a wide range of goals including weight loss and muscle gain. All of which have expressed the fact that my training has made them feel better within themselves and more confident about their body image. Currently coming off the back of a bulk and slowly cutting down whilst trying to maintain strength and lean muscle mass within the body. Currently attempting to drop body fat in the search for a good set of visible abdominal muscles.