Athlete: Richard Donkoh

    • Services: Personal Trainer

    • Location: PureGym Wandsworth

    • Specialist areas: Boxing Expert, Fat Loss Expert, Muscle Development, Toning, Strengthening and General Fitness. 

    • Contact details: 07960771381,

    • Bio: I provide a wide range of physical fitness workouts to help achieve your target and improve your overall health. My training plans are designed to transform your body. I provide professional and personalised fitness services that guarantee results. I pride myself in being highly qualified fitness professional with years of experience, and I understand that each individual is different which is why I create programs that takes into account your goals, needs and fitness levels. Whether you’re trying to lose some weight or simply want to tone and transform your physique, I know exactly how to get you to your desired goal. Get in touch and let me guide you towards your goal.
