Athlete: Joe Davis

        • Services: 1-2-1 PT, Online PT, Instagram Motivation and education, nutritional advice and a meal book
        • Location: Plymouth, Alexandra Road, PureGym
        • Specialist areas : Weight Loss, Muscle Gain, Body Recomposition, Specific Movement Programs (Bench, deadlift, squat), Athletic training and Basic Barbell training
        • Instagram: @joedavis299
        • Email:
        • Hi, I’m Joe... I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to lead a healthy and happy lifestyle, for this I follow 3 key principles...Effort, Consistency and Perseverance! As your personal trainer, I will help you lay a solid foundation upon which you can continue to develop when I’m not there. This will include the fundamentals of exercise, flexibility, mobility, and nutrition. As my client, I will create a unique program to help you achieve your goals. Weight Training and Conditioning will not only strengthen the muscles you see, but also the muscles you can’t see. However, for me, as my client, your plan needs to be tailored to your lifestyle and priorities, which is equally important to me. This will require a sustainable plan that you can always follow. Finally, when you are with me, I look forward to seeing you develop not only physically but also mentally in and out of the gym. By developing your confidence and knowledge, I can give you a little sense of responsibility and consistency.