Power Fitness Athlete: Chris Loliva
Athlete: Chris Loliva
- Services: Personal Training, strength & Conditioning and rehabilitation
- Specialist area: Strength & Conditioning and rehabilitation.
- Location: Leeds City Centre - Gym: the Fitness Hub2021
Phone: 07455819212
Email: ChristopherLolivapt@gmail.com
- Instagram: @chrisloliva_pt
- Bio:
(MSc, BSc Hons)
Chris is very passionate when it comes to health, fitness and sports. His philosophy is to use a combination of knowledge, teaching ability and open-mindedness to get you the results you want.
Chris can adapt his approach, specifically to you, meaning you get the right training at the right time.
Chris has a bachelor degree in sports science and nutrition plus a masters in strength and conditioning. He has been working for years as a Strength and conditioning coach, martial arts and athletics instructor.