Athlete: Mitchell Hickinbottom

    • Services: PT, nutrition macro plan, Crossfit prgrammming and improvements, Crossfit gymnastics, social media motivation

    • Location: Tipton, Black Country, West Midlands.

    • Instagram: @mitchick88

    • Specialist Areas: Crossfit/ Olympic weightlifting/ crossfit focus gymnastics

    • Bio: former unfit overweight lad turned fit, about 3/4 years ago I weighed in at about 18st so decided to action it!

      Stumbled across Crossfit and found my calling 😂never looked back and now train and coach Crossfit from beginner to competitor level, I also train Crossfit at a competitive capacity myself always striving for improvements.

      My goal is to help as many people as possible find there motivation for a healthier lifestyle and help them achieve their goals, “when you reach a place of height always look back down to see who you can reach down and help” 😊👊💪🏻